Moxie Nesting Dolls

Last week, we had non-farm payroll and the unemployment rate release. With additional market events happening this week, let me show you three setups that have worked using the Moxie indicator, and its rules. Let’s take a look: FREE WEBINAR: Join John Carter, David Starr, and Henry Gambell and discover their NEW Day Trading Road … Read more

1st Quarter SPY Stats

Now that we are done with the first quarter, statistics came out showing that if the SPY gained more than 7% during that time, there was a 100% record of being higher a year later. This is fun to know, but it also doesn’t tell us what the future path will be like. Here are … Read more

Consistent Bullish Setups

The market responded favorably to Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) data report that was released late last week. Leading into that, several names were gull flagging and popped on that Friday data info. Let’s take a look at some Moxie Indicator setups and how it can show us the way this week. Let’s take a look: … Read more

LULU Up In A Sea Of Red

I’m not sure how LULU managed to impress investors, but their stock is up big after earnings came out. Compare this to many other retail clothing tickers and it seems like more of a surprise. Can it last? Let’s take a look: Keep up with other stocks’ reactions after earnings. As this market keeps shifting, … Read more

Reversion To The Mean

The SPY is continuing sideways and not giving much evidence for which way it will head next. Many large tech names, like Microsoft (MSFT) and Google (GOOGL), are overbought and show signs of flagging or pulling back soon. On the other side, we have the financials and small caps, which got oversold and look like … Read more

Heavy FOMC Day

As usual, the FOMC brought volatility. This then led to the markets tanking at the end of the day. Can the markets absorb this or is this the next shoe to drop and send the markets lower? Many names have been able to catch bullishness while the indexes went sideways, but that doesn’t mean the … Read more

Eyes on FOMC

This Wednesday is the Federal Market Committee (FOMC), and it seems traders are holding their breath and positions to start the week. There were quite a few moves to wrap up last week with options expiration (OPEX). Prices needed to settle down a bit. Federal chairman Jerome Powell is speaking on Wednesday. Will he raise … Read more

Rates/Tech vs Recession/Oil

A tug-of-war is going on within tech. The sector likes the lower rates, but how long can it stay elevated in the face of the falling energy sector? A falling energy sector tends to signal a recession and a shrinking economy, which can negatively affect tech. Let’s take a look: Keep an eye on energy … Read more

Rock and a Hard Place

The banking system is under pressure from the rate hikes, but inflation is still sticky. It will be interesting to see where CPI is tomorrow and how the Fed will handle any further rate hikes (or not). The energy sector was very heavy today, but technology bounced back a bit. Let’s take a look: Stay … Read more

Volume At Lows

In this video I review a few exchange traded funds on the higher time frames. You can see there is a lot of volume coming into them and they don’t seem to want to go much lower. This doesn’t mean they have to go bullish, but we should keep context in mind to balance out … Read more