Right stock, wrong time

Hey Market Pilots, You can be right on a stock, but wrong on the timing. And sometimes things just happen that you have no control over no matter how good the setup is… Let me explain what I mean.  One particular trade that comes to mind recently is QTT and my favorite Moxie Trampoline setup. … Read more

Happy Father’s Day

Hey Market Pilots, Yesterday was Father’s Day so I wanted to take the time to tell you a little bit about my dad and how he got me into trading. You all are reading this because my dad was the one who exposed me to the world of trading when I was small enough to … Read more

Keep your powder dry

Hey Market Pilots, Sometimes it is ok to do nothing in the market. In fact, Jesse Livermore said it was the waiting which made him the money; Waiting for a setup to form and waiting for a position to appreciate. And markets aren’t always clear. There can be chop during consolidation which makes entering a … Read more

Study the past for the future

Hey Market Pilots, Our abilities as humans to recognize patterns, even if those patterns aren’t identical, is a profound ability. I use the example of a box to help elaborate on how we need to view market patterns. Imagine 100 packages arrive at your house. They all came in a box, right? But none of … Read more

Less is more

Hey Market Pilots, Making money trading stocks isn’t about knowing every possible setup nor taking every possible setup. It’s about finding the most reliable so that your wins are consistent, lower risk, or pay off in a big way. In my years of studying, I discovered a setup that I love for its reliability and … Read more

Riding the sector rotation wave

Hey Market Pilots, Last week I wrote about sector rotation; what it is, how to look for it, and where is it going now? The real key to taking advantage of sector rotation is being able to identify it early and then find the best names in that sector. With word about a possible Covid … Read more

Sector rotation

Hey Market Pilots, Sector rotation. What exactly is it? The words seem simple enough to deduce what it means, but let’s take a deeper dive since we are right in the middle of one. As you may already know, the market is made up of different sectors. There are the semis, healthcare, REITs, materials, home … Read more

When do divergences matter?

Hey Market Pilots, As the market climbs higher and higher, we continue to wonder just how long this can be sustained. Many of us have been proven wrong in the recent past when we tried to short the market but it just kept going up despite our indicators. Since then, I have directed our subscribers … Read more

Fish out of water

Often times trying to short a top or pinpoint the exact moment that price is going to roll over and start a new downtrend is extremely difficult. This is because tops are messy and bounce a lot as larger traders try to unload their shares and others are trying to continue the long run. Comparatively, … Read more

Memorial Day Weekend

Hey Market Pilots, As a trader, I have grown accustomed to having access to my money and the ability to liquidate my positions at a moment’s notice. It’s a major factor in why I like trading as an investment vehicle. I don’t have to wait for someone to be interested in my property, worry if … Read more