Wrinkle In Europe

So the Bank of England decided to start up its bond buying program, which is why Wednesday was a stronger day. Will this help? If so, how long? Or will this be throwing fuel on the inflation fire? Only time will tell, but we do know that the stock market indexes were working off their … Read more

Downside Gets Frothy

This market has been in a downward decline for weeks that started with the Jackson Hole, Wyo., Federal Reserve Symposium, negative U.S. Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers, Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) raising interest rates, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell talking tough. The bears have been winning and basking in the glory. But as … Read more

Coronavirus – Worse News for the US Economy?

TG Watkins of Simpler Trading discusses the economic impact of Coronavirus both in China and the US. Looking from a market perspective, how will this slowdown affect American companies such as Tesla ($TSLA) and Apple ($AAPL)?