Shorting A Bounce

Hey Market Pilot,

After a very heavy couple of weeks, the market has found some support and is now trying to figure out what to do next.

Based on typical Moxie Indicator™ patterns and rules, if we get a bounce, it would set us up for an Inverse Trampoline on the hourly time frame. So unless you can find some quick long opportunities, I am only interested in lining up some shorts.

Let’s go a little further in the video:

When looking for a bounce in an oversold market, traders need to understand how the market and individual stocks move. Combine fast-moving signals with the Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program, and traders have a way to track market movement. The goal is to work through and trade whether the market is up or down. Check out the trampoline watch today!

Your Profit Pilot, TG


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