GET TG'S TRADES: Moxie Indicator™ Mastery

with TG Watkins

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Is USO About To Move Up?

November 27, 2023

I don’t often look at the energy sector, but some notable items have come to my attention. In today’s video, I share with you what I see and what to look for if you want to be bullish on the oil and energy sector. Your Profit Pilot, TG WatkinsFrom now until December 1st, get 30% off my Moxie Indicator Mastery subscription with Simpler Trading’s Black Friday Sale! Receive my daily analysis and join us as we track profit opportunities!

Strong Tickers From the Moxie Room

November 20, 2023

Don’t forget! Markets are closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving, and Friday closes early. Since the market has turned around, let me show you some of the strong names we have been trading in the Moxie Indicator Trading Room. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins From now until December 1st, get 30% off my Moxie Indicator Mastery subscription with Simpler Trading’s Black Friday Sale! Receive my daily analysis and join us as we track profit opportunities!

The Put/Call Was Spring Loaded

November 16, 2023

When I gave my presentation at the Orlando Money Show over Halloween weekend, most people were frustrated with the market and wondering when the down draft would end or if the market would implode. I had a few critical points in my presentation, one of which was about the Put/Call ratio. Check it out: Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins From now until December 1st, get 30% off my Moxie Indicator Mastery subscription with Simpler Trading’s Black Friday Sale! Receive my daily analysis and join us as we track profit opportunities!

Can Participation broaden out?

November 13, 2023

With the Megacaps leading the way from the FOMC and earnings season, I am looking around to see if this is a green light to the rest of the market or if it will only be the safe haven of the big names that carry the market. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins From now until December 1st, get 30% off my Moxie Indicator Mastery subscription with Simpler Trading’s Black Friday Sale! Receive my daily analysis and join us as we track profit opportunities!

The Cramer Call

November 9, 2023

RIP SOFI. Or at least that’s the joke since Cramer picked SOFI as what he thinks will be a winner. So, let’s check it out and see what the market thinks. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities.

Earnings Bonanza

November 6, 2023

In addition to the market short-squeezing, many names popped on earnings. It’s nice to see, and maybe we have a change in the market form, but it didn’t provide legitimate setups for most traders. This is because most of those stocks were in downtrends until the event of earnings changed that. Now, we must be patient for appropriate entries, assuming the market stays strong and this wasn’t a bounce in a downtrend. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

Market Up Big, But Why?

November 2, 2023

FOMC was yesterday. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell was as neutral as he could possibly be, which seems to have calmed down the bond market. As long as TLT stops going down, and TNX stops going up, the market can catch its breath. Will it last? If you are in the Moxie room, I can help guide you even if things roll over. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the … Read more

Can the Bonds Bounce?

October 30, 2023

The market has been very unhappy with the falling TLT and rising TNX… But have they gone so far as to get too extreme? Let me show you what I am seeing. If the bonds can change course, even for a little while, maybe the market can catch its “breadth”. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member, and don’t miss out on my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities.

NKE Short Take Two

October 26, 2023

Often, the market makes things difficult for you, which means you get stopped out… But you know the setup is good. It is just a matter of time and noise until the setup gets going. Our NKE short this week was a perfect example of that, where the algos could sniff out our stops so they short-squeezed us out; but, we got back in and it worked like a champ the second time. Let me show you how that looks. I joined the KER report to discuss my thoughts on … Read more

Market Gave It Up Going Into The Weekend

October 23, 2023

Being able to dance with the market and adjust when it gives you a different answer is key to surviving in this business. Last week, I wanted to see SPY hold certain levels and moving averages, but that didn’t happen. I took note of it and made changes. The luxury of what we do is that we can exit at a moment’s notice. Always remember you don’t have to stay in a losing position. This month, I will join over 75+ traders at the Moneyshow for a live event in Orlando! In … Read more


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