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with TG Watkins

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Will It Be That Obvious?

March 14, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, The market is not healthy and we know that. Apparently, so many people know that the put/call ratio is super high and not backing down yet. With the wall of worry being more like the side of a skyscraper, it seems logical that the market closed in a weak way on Friday. In fact, one could argue that there has been a bear flag in the S&P 500 (SPY) in the last few days and that the market is about to fall to new lows. But that … Read more

Case Study: FOSL

March 10, 2022

Hey Market Pilot,  The market is all sorts of weird and special right now. Since the indexes are a mess and not trending, this means there isn’t a strong overall force helping to guide stocks. This in turn means that many stocks are free to move how they please and can be pushed all over the place.  Fossil Group (FOSL, pictured below) is a great example of the potential moves that can happen within a stock. In one sense, I can say that the idea of FOSL trending down has … Read more

Deep-Dive Into Charts…

March 7, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, The indexes continue to be weak, and I thought we might be getting to a point where markets were looking oversold. The kind of oversold that anything viewed as positive news might set off a short-covering rally. So far that hasn’t happened, but I am on guard about it just in case. Meanwhile, the majority of tickers have continued to sink lower and simply can’t find buyers to step into the mix. Here are a few winners to the short side we have had, and some other … Read more

Bullish Or Bust?

March 3, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, I was on the mic in my Moxie Indicator™ Mastery room, and as I was going through the various sectors of the market, I made the comment that trading is a bit like detective work. I felt this way because I was investigating  several different components of the market to uncover the next direction and the next move to play. One of the market components in this case was the Ultra VIX Short Term Futures ETF (UVXY, pictured below). This exchange traded fund (ETF) is 3x leveraged … Read more

Not All Trades Are Equal…

March 1, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, In times like these, when the market is all over the place and heavily based on the current headlines, not all trades are worth the risk. In fact, most trades are probably not worth it until either a very clear setup is present, or a better direction is established.  Here are a few examples (pictured below) of what keeps me on guard about getting into some trades despite the possible setup. And I say possible because as you will see, some of them just oscillate along the … Read more

Timing Market Chop

February 24, 2022

Hey Market Pilots, The market has been changing character lately and we know it. When this happens, there can be a lot of untradable time and you need to know what to do in this situation. Sometimes that means going down to lower time frames to be more nimble, or raising your time frame to slow things down. Some traders really love chop, flagging, or a stock that is range-bound because they can be very active. They can see where price is going to turn and enjoy taking a day … Read more

Happy President’s Day!

February 21, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, Happy President’s Day! Hopefully, you all are enjoying your three-day weekend away from the market and enjoying the life you have built for yourself. Some of you are spending it with friends or family, some are working on a hobby, and others are taking the extra time to do some research or OnDemand practice in the market. When I first think about President’s Day, what comes to mind is thinking about George Washington as our first president, celebrated on his birthday. Or thinking about the job our … Read more

Bear Flagging Market

February 17, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, The market took a big spill a few weeks ago which was a clear sign something had changed. It was such a big drop that price got seriously oversold and has since been crawling up from the abyss. But what does the bigger picture say? We have been seeing many “darling,” or at least formerly darling, stocks fall apart in ways that should be getting our attention. These aren’t just pullbacks or stiff corrections. These falling stocks are blood baths. Price has been decimated. Maybe some fell … Read more

No Shortage Of News

February 14, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, Well last week was certainly an eventful week, wasn’t it? The consumer price index (CPI), Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members being hawkish, Russia, and I am sure there was more. I always find it fascinating how technicals can line up with the news events of the time, and last week was one of those. Despite all the crazy world events, the patterns in the market held up beautifully and we were not sucked in on the long side before the trap door opened. I had been … Read more

How Will XLE Play Out?

February 10, 2022

Hey Market Pilot, Technical analysis is about pattern recognition and knowledge of your indicators. For me, combining these two helps me prepare for what the market might do next so I can take advantage of it or get out of the way. Right now, I am seeing a familiar pattern with the Moxie Indicator™ show up on the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE). I knew what it was telling me, but I wanted to see if I could find an example of that pattern that has already played out … Read more


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