Hey Market Pilots,Every successful trader has a process or method that allows them to take money out of the market in a fairly consistent way, and while that method may be excellent, it probably won’t work in every market environment. When the market changes, it’s important to remember that and subsequently assess the effectiveness of your strategy with the current market. If it isn’t effective, you can wait and ride it out: being patient for just the right opportunities which may be significantly fewer and farther between… Or alternatively, you … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, I love divergences. Sometimes they are positive, sometimes they are negative. I look for divergences with my Moxie Indicator to help me get in and out of a trade, and I use divergences between other metrics to help determine overall market sentiment. But the major divergence I am looking at right now may be indicating that the market’s push higher this week could be a trap and there might be a sinkhole forming right underneath. In this case, I am referencing volatility to tell me the truth … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, The last few days have been amazing. Not only did I have my second best trading day with an $80,000 gain in a single day, I also got to spend Saturday with traders who were eager to learn. August 8th was the day of my Moxie Class, COVID edition, where I spent five hours teaching a large group of traders who find my style of trading appealing and insightful. It is beyond rewarding to know that the years of struggle I had trying to learn how to … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, Yesterday I had my second webinar and usually it is the same as the first one since there isn’t a lot that changes in a week. Well, this time is different! On Monday the 3rd I had my second best trading day of the year (out of three exceptional days so far) and pocketed $80K in one day. The best part of this is that the Moxie subscribers got to partake in the gains as well. 2020 has been bonkers, and for me what makes it even … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, Last week was challenging. Mostly because there were events which threw confusion and unpredictable movements into the market. Earnings season is always chaotic as investors wait for news which will guide them until the next report and beyond, which during COVID-19, is a big question mark. On top of that, we had the FOMC report and as I have said in the past “It’s not the day of FOMC that matters, it’s the next day”. That was true once again this week. Then this is where we … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, Thank you to those of you who could make it to my webinar last night! It was a great turn out.I not only showcased how I made $100K in one day on my favorite Trampoline setup, I also showed that a mattress company, Sleep Number (SNBR), has easily moved well over 100% since the lows. If you were unable to attend last night’s webinar you can catch the replay here. Today, I want to follow up from that idea and show another mattress company that also has … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, I think most of us are geared and trained to trade to the long side. Meaning our eyes are most attuned to seeing bottoming and reversal patterns. We may be great at getting out at the top of a move, but perhaps we lack the ability to short when the time comes. I am not a big fan of going short anyway, so my way around this is to go long… long on an inverse ETF. An inverse EFT is a ticker that mimics another ETF but … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, This Market has been amazing when moving up, and disastrous when pulling back. Great positions and tickers will suddenly implode on you and go negative in your account if you aren’t proactive about profits and exits. Just ask me how I know. But there are a few key metrics that I have picked up and now rely on in this Fed fueled market to help protect me and keep my account ratcheting up. Because of those tools, my spidey senses are tingling and we should be trading … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, This write up is about how you may have to strike more than once to get the right entry and then how it became one of the my most picture perfect setups of July. Back on June 22nd, SPCE broke news of them getting some contract from NASA and its volume went from about 10 million shares to 53 million shares. Something serious was up so I notified the Moxie subscribers about going in. The idea was to catch an explosive momentum move. Well, that didn’t happen. … Read more
Hey Market Pilots, This week began quite nicely with the market opening with a gap up on Monday the 13th. However, that elation and satisfaction was short-lived and brutally squashed by a massive liquidation break in the middle of the day. Few were spared but tech got hit the hardest. Let me show you a few insights which kept me from panicking or going short. First, on the day of the liquidation break, the internals were not supporting the move. With such a huge move in the market, you would … Read more