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with TG Watkins

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Will there be resistance overhead?

May 11, 2020

All week the market had crawled up no matter what news came out about the economy or virus. We all have first and second hand experience about what damage is being caused along with the ripple effects that are waiting in the wings.

How the market’s offending logic

May 7, 2020

“The market can stay irrational longer than your account can stay solvent.”  I love this phrase for so many reasons. I say it to myself anytime I just can’t believe what the market is doing — when things simply don’t make sense or I wonder just how much further this can go or how much longer this can last. I have to remind myself to take a step back and not fight the tape and go with what the market wants right now. I am a small fish in a … Read more

SPY where do we go from here?

April 27, 2020

The markets this week have started off strong after last week’s dip and consolidation. Many, including myself, were looking at the short side last week since the S&P (SPY) was coming into a down trending daily 50 Simple Moving Average (SMA). Often this Moving Average (MA) is significant and results in a hard bounce or rejection, depending on which side price falls, but that is not the case this time. SPY price was rejected by the underside of the Daily 50 SMA twice last week, but then managed to close … Read more

Let the Trade Come to You

February 12, 2020

As I embarked on my path to becoming a trader, I would come across phrases and euphemisms that didn’t really make sense to me. Quite similar to how Luke Skywalker felt and looked when Yoda was talking to him.

Trade War is on… wait, it’s off… I mean, on

December 4, 2019

This week alone, I have heard the Trade War between the US and China was both close and far from being completed. Or was that just the Phase One portion? Wait, Phase One? When did that become a thing? I have been interviewed by two different media outlets a few weeks apart and each of them asked me about news from the state of the Trade War, but one asked how the market would be reacting to the positive news while the other was asking how it would react to … Read more

TiVo the Market

October 15, 2019

I would venture to guess that most of you know and remember TiVo. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, TiVo came out in 1999 and allowed us to record live TV so we could watch it later with the added bonus of being able to fast forward through commercials. The fast forwarding of commercials sparked lawsuits and controversy from advertisers, but that is an entirely different subject. If you were around during this transition period you know how amazing it was to be able to record hours … Read more


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