GET TG'S TRADES: Moxie Indicator™ Mastery

with TG Watkins

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We Have Seen This Picture Before

May 6, 2024

Is it different this time? The market had a few nice up days, but I am not confirmed to the long side with the market yet. I’ll show you some of the reasons that have me concerned. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

FOMC Boom and Bust

May 2, 2024

FOMC day did not disappoint yet again! There was volatility to the downside the day before, a short squeeze during the Fed meeting, and then an implosion right after the meeting. It has been a wild ride, but we have been clicking on some great trades. Let’s dive in and walk through how we made money over the last week. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

TSLA Still Ripping

April 29, 2024

The indexes are in an area where I expect them to slow a bit and hopefully turn downward, so we can get more clarity and opportunities from the markets. Meanwhile, TSLA is still having a good time from the news of them working on a more affordable vehicle. Let’s see how that looks and where the next step might be. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

Inside the Moxie Trading Room

April 25, 2024

The market has been full of twists and turns this week, but that is ok because I have been guiding the traders as to where I think prices will go and how. Want to see it for your own eyes? Watch this video and I will show you the exact alerts for how I am navigating the group. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

Internals Say the Market is Ready to Bounce

April 22, 2024

It has been a big down move for the markets over the last couple weeks, but all that is doing is letting air out of an inflated market. We saw this coming and setting up to the downside for a few weeks. I call these setups “Inverse Trampolines”. They were all over the place, flashing warning signs for the bulls. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities.

Anatomy of a Long And Short Trade On The Same Ticker

April 18, 2024

We made 18% on the way up and 10% on the way down with MNSO… And I think there is still more to come. Let’s see how the Moxie Indicator easily guided us into it for a trade both ways. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

Market Update 4/15/2024

April 15, 2024

It is time for another market update since the uptrend has ended, and we need to see how that all started. Be careful with your account right now, since volatility is rising and the market is declining. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG Watkins

Market Still Chopping and Flagging

April 11, 2024

The SPY and QQQ are pulling back slightly. They don’t show that much damage has happened, but beneath the surface, most tickers are pulling back significantly or flagging for a longer period of time. The market is due for a rest, and we need to be patient for that. Let’s take a look and see if there are still sectors we can be long in. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your … Read more

Market Taking a Breather

April 8, 2024

I believe we are finally seeing the market take a breather after its incredible run since November. This does not mean sell everything, and in fact, we are seeing healthy rotation into industrials and commodities. Perhaps this will spark the inflation topic again, but our job is to find the strength. Dive in with me and we will review where that is. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. Your Profit Pilot, TG … Read more

Cannabis And The Next Big Trade I See

April 4, 2024

The market continues to stay elevated, just like Cannabis has been doing ever since politics started to get involved. This time looks like it might be real and will stick. However, I still need to wait for my kind of pitch since the first move happened. After that, I have a big trade opportunity in a stock that exploded and finally pulled back to my entry. Click here to become a Moxie Indicator™ Mastery Program member and receive my daily market analysis! Join us as we track the profit opportunities. … Read more


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