Rapid Payoff In Volatility?

Hey Market Pilot, 

Last week, the market puked hard into the close on Friday.

Did you see it coming?

Or was it difficult to pinpoint due to the choppiness of the index as it bounced around for the last few weeks? It was a real challenge as the S&P 500 (SPY) kept bouncing off the lows… until it didn’t.

But there was a clearer way to see the timing of the market and the Moxie Indicator™ subscribers nailed it. 

Trading to me has always felt a little mysterious, always trying to predict the answers of the future from an environment with a lot of shenanigans and mind tricks. Over the years, I have been able to piece together a few coordinated tricks that help me see the next likely path when the indexes themselves aren’t easy to read.

The VIX Short Term Futures ETF (UVXY) is the leveraged exchange traded fund of the volatility index and it’s the vehicle I watch when the market is looking as though it wants to act up. The UVXY can help me call the markets bullish bluff.

Most recently, while the SPY was topping, the UVXY was actually looking very orderly and setting up in the exact manner that I teach in the Moxie Indicator™ room. So I followed my rules and we took two entries:

We added 26% in one day and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a 50% gain relatively soon. The path of this ticker is a bumpy one, but I have studied it a lot over the years and have a decent grasp of how it moves.

The UVXY is a very short-term trading vehicle, but when it works, it pays off handsomely and in a rapid fashion.

Your Profit Pilot, TG


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