Ticker Price Action…

Hey Market Pilot,

As we start a new week in the market, I’m going down my list of tickers and comparing them to the most recent market action.

In the video above, I’ll cover…

  • An explanation of Apple’s double-top price action
  • A deep dive into the breakdown of Amazon’s chart
  • Why Conn’s chart looks weak when comparing it to the S&P 500

In trading, it is always good to analyze charts and find common patterns. However, it is also crucial that you understand certain tickers may follow their own path and digress from the overall market sentiment.

Your Profit Pilot, TG

Want to hear more from TG? Join him for a free webinar on Thursday, May 26th, as he discusses his strategy for this volatile market. How will the 20% overall market correction affect his setups? Find out at 3:15 PM Central!


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