Traction In Market?

Hey Market Pilot,

The market is finally seeing some momentum to the upside. However, given the volatility we have been experiencing, I’m still urging caution.

In the video above, I’ll cover…

  • FOMC minutes recap
  • An explanation of the SPY’s “undercut” price action and why it’s a “bear trap”
  • My thoughts as to whether we are in a short rally or upward trend

Typically it takes about a day or so after the Fed speaks to find out the true sentiment of the market. We should all be watching the market’s price action very closely for the time being!

Your Profit Pilot, TG

Join me in Simpler Trading’s Free Trading Room this afternoon at 3:15 PM Central for a free webinar! I’m covering the 20% market correction and how I’m adjusting my strategy to this volatile market.


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